
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Welcome to my life

Hi.  Here's a little about me: I'm a girly-girl, wife, mother of two puppies, daughter of a happily married couple who live in Australia, bilingual, a free spirit; lover of wine, music, antipasto and sitting around a campfire, under the stars, with friends.

My background is: born in Kazakhstan, grew up in Australia, moved around a lot after university, which I never finished so that makes me a failed business graduate but also one of the lucky few in this life who find their passion: writer and world traveler. My husband, my best friend and my all shares my passion for travel and it's because of him that I'm able to see so much of planet earth.  We travel a lot.  We move a lot.  

I named this blog the Unwavering Part of Me to signify the unchanging part of who I am inside, in amongst all the constant moving, exploration, lessons and changes in my life.  At times I feel homesick and lonely so I want this space to be my home and a place where I can reflect on experiences. 

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