
Friday, November 22, 2013

Rainy recollections of New Orleans

It's overcast and muggy today but not so humid that being outside is unbearable: a perfect rainy day.  Last time I was part of a rainy day so perfect, I was in New Orleans in the summertime - ironically enough with my parents!

I know that generally New Orleans (at night) is the crazy, hectic, loud party capital of America and not somewhere you'd go with your parents - but if you've ever had a chance to wander the streets in the day time when it's overcast with thunder rumbling above you and rain threatening to pour down at any second; you will find the French influenced city as romantic and classy as (I'd imagine) Paris itself.

The St Louis Cathedral is kind of the signature postcard building of New Orleans.  It's so breathtakingly beautiful and elaborately constructed that it's totally baffling to imagine it could have been built so long ago!  The inside is even more incredible:

When you walk out of the Cathedral, these gates are the first thing you see; they mark the entrance to Lafayette Square:

As we walked away from the square and into the French Quarter, we found a definite perk to walking around in 'bad' weather - the streets were virtually deserted which is so rare for summertime in New Orleans.  We really felt like we had the place to ourselves and like all the shops, restaurants, galleries and jazz bars (yes, some of them are open in the day time) were open just for us!

Even when empty, there are so many distractions on these streets!  Between shop windows, elaborate architecture, street performers and enticing cafes which smell strongly of European coffee: you forget to look up.  Once you do, a whole new world opens up to you as you realize people live up there!  All along the hectic streets with insane nightlife are these second and third level apartments (the ground level is typically a shop/ bar) inside of which the residents have must somehow found a way to live normal lives entailing jobs, schedules and not being tired or hung over every day!  (Quite a feat in America's party capital).

A city this old obviously has a very rich history.  Although I won't bore you with all the wonderful, historical things we did - this private garden does deserve a mention.  These were quite popular at a time and I find the very thought of them amazing!

My favourite thing about New Orleans is the fact that everything is historically registered and therefore can't be altered.  This means that the original buildings still stand and are used today, exactly as they always were, maintaining the authenticity and integrity of a city who's stories are as rich as the architecture.

My second favourite thing are the beignets at Cafe Du Monde!  (Terrible coffee and service though definitely leaves a lasting impression and quite a hilarious memory!)

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