
Monday, December 16, 2013

A surprise Christmas getaway!

The poor guy on the right lost his carrot nose somewhere along the line...
These adorable snowmen were a present from Will's grandma two Christmas's ago and make the perfect conclusion to my decorating for Christmas posts because I won't be adding anything more.  After talking it over, Will and I have decided to take off on a mini-break over Christmas for a change of scenery to somewhere neither of us have ever been... the desert!

I hope you've enjoyed reading (probably more like laughing :P) about my first full-fledged Christmas decorating attempt and that you'll join Will, Baxter, Dorothy and I on our very first family Christmas vacation!  As of next week the photos I post will look more like these:

Even though we will be away from friends and family, I'm super excited to be going on this trip!  I hope everyone else is having a wonderful holiday season too! xo

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