
Thursday, December 19, 2013


It's been a little crazy here this week.  Will came back from Atlanta sick with the flu so I've been looking after him as well as getting the house ready for his Aunt and Uncle who are arriving tonight to visit us, and Austin, for the first time so I want everything to be perfect!

Like any attentive hostess, I like everything to be ready and available for when my guests arrive; that means the house needs to be immaculately clean, the fridge and mini bar need to be full, their bed needs to be neatly made with fresh, scented sheets and have folded bath towels at its base; and finally, I like to have the guest bathroom stocked with basic items in case they've forgotten something.

Now that Will's feeling better, the shopping's done, the pups are bathed and the house is in a state of sparkling anticipation; I'm sitting down for a cup of coffee and a minute to myself - taking a breather and updating my blog.  I feel so excited!  I love having people over and I'm thrilled that one by one our family is making the trip to Austin and to our little place - which is so perfect for entertaining!  I'm particularly glad it's this time of year: when Austin isn't anywhere near as cold as anywhere they might be coming from and the Christmas spirit is all around!

One of my favourite things about entertaining is playing tour guide of the city in which we live; combining the people I love to places I love makes me so happy!  In Atlanta I got to show lots of my family from Australia around and be there for their first experience of it.  There's nothing quite like their first impressions matching mine and that moment of triumphant victory inside me that knows I've brought them a moment of joy!

I'm looking forward to doing the same this weekend: starting tomorrow when we go on the famous 'duck tour' of the city and tomorrow night when we drive through a Christmas light show and tour Santa's historic village!  I'll do my best to stay in touch throughout it all.  Hope everyone else has a splendid weekend as well!  Happy Holidays xo

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