
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Opposite ways to travel

Austin is still new and very exciting.  There's a lot to see and so much yet to do but with Will out of town, me not having a car and being a writer means I'm at home a lot.  On a positive note, this gives me plenty of time to reflect, look at photos and remember past trips we've taken.  I'm starting a weekly segment called Blast from the past where I will share my journeys and highlights but I thought talking about how we travel is the first place I should start.

Will and I have complete opposite ways to travel and relax.  He likes to go with the flow entirely and wing activities based on spontaneous recommendations by locals (or SIRI).  Whereas I like to research the area, shortlist activities by our interests, popularity and ratings, availability and practicality; then I like book in advance and draft out a map and schedule (which I am flexible about, I promise!) - it's not set in stone but always I like to know where I'm at and squeeze in as much as I can).

Now that we've been travelling together for several years - a little of both our tendencies and preferences has rubbed off on each other and I'm no longer completely anal; while he's no longer completely aloof.  I still like to research the area and book in a tour or show but now I no longer organize every hour, nor do I draft out schedules.  I now make sure to leave one full day and evening of 'nothingness' to allow for spontaneity and have found that some marvelous experiences can result.

We definitely mesh better these days and have found ways to compromise but don't get me started on his take on airport security!!

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