
Monday, January 13, 2014

Even Christmas trees find heaven in Austin

We love Austin for so many reasons - one of them is how environmentally conscious it is.  During our visit to Zilker Park over the weekend, we came across a Christmas tree recycling drop off - ironically in the foreground of the famous Zilker Park Christmas tree: the very same one I blogged about on the 1st Dec - the lighting of which was so magical, it stirred up my childlike holiday spirit!

In this city, people don't throw their old trees into the garbage - they bring them to the park for recycling.  Maybe they become bouquets, or wreaths, or other various crafts projects for schools.  Most likely they'll become mulch for spring time garden beds and enjoyed all year long... what ever their eventual fate may be, I think it's a wonderful, honourable way for a Christmas tree to die.

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