
Thursday, January 9, 2014

My 2013 highlights

My week so far has proven how little is actually within my control.  I gave my best effort to start this year on the the most positive note - reiki, setting goals, having an amazing NYE - but without a heater in this cold and a few other things that majorly bummed me out, I'm feeling less than positive.  

In the past, I've found that being grateful makes me feel so much better and I truly do have so much to be thankful for so before 2014 gets really underway, I want to take a moment to reflect on 2013- a really awesome year - in which heaps of wonderful things happened:

 Greeted the new year with my fav people in serious style and luxury at 
the Callaway Gardens Spa Resort, GA

Helped throw my sister in law baby shower

Later on in the month Will's grandma turned 80 
which was a huge family bash and so much fun

My perfect little nephew was born

Spring time in Atlanta is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced.  
Highly recommend it

my very first adult birthday cake

The best birthday card I've ever received

And an unforgettable bday dinner

Plus, Baxter and Dorothy finally getting along! 
(Dorothy 6 months old)


my parents came to visit from Australia and we went on a two week road trip
 to TX (Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston, Houston), 
LA (Shreveport, New Orleans), FL (Pensacola Beach) and back to Atl GA

And Baxter turned 3!!

Some good friends got married in a winery on Long Island, NY which was breathtaking!

and so, so much fun!

Then we spent the weekend in NYC!  incredible as always...

Also, we sold our apartment in Midtown Atl, which made us happy coz that meant we could move to Austin.

The 'Southern Flair'
Fundraiser for the Joseph Sams School in Fayetteville, GA

moved to Austin

Which was actually hard, leaving the family behind and starting over.
But the goodbyes were great fun!

Will got to be in Atlanta just before Christmas and give our nephew his present,
which was incidentally his very first Xmas present EVER :) 
Definite highlight

And even though I didn't see it live,
I love the pics of him wearing the elf outfit we bought him. Dying.

Another definite December highlight was Aunt Amy's visit/
who also happens to be one of my best friends

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