
Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year | new beginnings

Everyone I talk to right now is talking resolutions!  I know this time of year makes it a popular topic of conversation but it's not one that I've been active in.  I gave up on setting resolutions a few years ago because I never stuck to them and then tended to berate myself about it. After thinking it over, I've decided to try the process again, this time with a large: DON'T BE HARD ON YOURSELF at the very top of the list.  

I've thought a lot about these resolutions I'm about to 'publicly' set.  For the most part, I'm very happy with my life and where Will and I are at.  2013 was a wonderful year and I wouldn't change anything about it at all - but in the spirit of the new year, new beginnings and giving yourself another go: I've compiled my resolutions with a few non-traditional changes.

First, I've changed the daunting resolutions title simply to 'goals' and then grouped these goals into four little categories to make the whole thing seem less overwhelming and more manageable:

1 comment:

  1. I like your goals! I gave up on resolutions at the age of approximately 16 (yes, I was a wise girl even then, hehe). Maybe I should set some goals, too. Although I know I'll still feel crappy if I don't achieve any of them by the end of the year :-/
