
Friday, February 28, 2014

counting blessings

Yesterday I happened to see this post as it made its way around Facebook and was instantly overwhelmed by that deep sense of gratitude I often feel for the life I'm living.  I feel so blessed to be able to follow my passion and even more so to have found my passion at all.  So many of my friends work jobs just to get by and so many more would love to find something they enjoy but don't know where to start looking.

I was always lucky that I had writing.  Growing up, writing was automatic for me; without thinking I would write down day's events, joys, secrets, fears ... just anything and everything that would come to mind.  This continued well into my 20s and although I was mildly aware of the therapeutic affect the practice of writing had on me, I never realized how much of a comfort it was until I envisioned a life without it.  The thought made me uncomfortable and knew I would go insane if I had to keep my emotions and imagination inside so it was easy for me to figure out what I loved doing more than anything.

Leaving my chosen career path after all the hard work, time and money invested into it (and just before the promise of advancement) was the hard part; but here again I was lucky, this time with a quick transition.  Just a few short months after moving to America, I landed a job for an Atlanta based fashion magazine and received the validation I needed to grow my confidence as a professional writer when my very first articles were published with the added bonus of being completely unedited!  In many ways this gig was my dream job and were it not for the sleep deprivation, hectic schedule and drama that comes with the fashion industry, I may still be there today.

Carrie Bradshaw (from Sex and the City)'s life has always been my inspiration.  Yes, of course the glitz and glamour of New York City, the endless fashion, solid friendships and carefree lifestyle but mainly, just waking up in the morning, writing all day (about whatever I like) and calling it my job!  I'm feeling seriously blessed today: this is my life.  I am a writer.  I'm living my dream.

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