
Thursday, February 6, 2014

keeping up with the Olympics & global fashion

What a jam-packed day for planet earth! Whether you follow sports or fashion, today marked the beginning of two major events:

1. the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi have officially begun!
2. New York Fashion Week kicked off today which officially opens the fashion-season worldwide

While the events overlap for the next two weeks, I'm keen to stay updated on my favourite sporting events (like figure-skating, ice-hockey and snowboarding) as well as favourite designer showcases (from various American, European and Australian designers alike) without my head rotating like something out of the exorcist so I've bookmarked the following websites to help me - and anyone else in America - stay updated on both:


Without question my #1 choice for following the Olympics.

  • such a user-friendly layout 
  • handy medal tab showing the medal tally
  • the schedule tab on the top right (of the home screen) tells me what's on every day and allows me to sync up my timezone so I know what time to tune in without missing anything!  
  • all the sports I'm interested in appear on the top of the home screen in their own tabs so I don't have to sift through anything to see exactly what I need :)

For the Fashion Weeks coming up it's a little different because they will be changing locations every week - starting today in NYC and moving to London, Milan, Paris and then all over the world right through until mid-April.  To stay updated with each, I like the official websites:

And once these four major ones are over, make sure to check out 
Sydney Fashion Week @

These give lots of information about the shows and designers plus upload photos and videos straight from the runway - some live but others almost immediately after - so they're usually the quickest source for latest collections.  This year many smaller-named fashion bloggers have been banned but to compensate, every major fashion magazine updates their blogs from the fashion shows daily - so their info is fresh fresh fresh.

My faves are:

Harper's Bazaar @

and this well-known fashion blog that made the fashion week cut:

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