
Friday, March 21, 2014

revealing my A-Z theme

As I mentioned in this (somewhat neurotic) post, I'm participating in the A-Z challenge!  That means all throughout April I have to post daily on a topic beginning with a different letter of the alphabet on a chosen theme.  The theme I have chosen is:

America from an outsider's perspective 

including my honest first impressions, highlights, differences and similarities to Australia, disappointments and things I miss or I'm still trying to get used to.  As many of you already know, I moved to Atlanta GA from Brisbane QLD Australia in September 2010 and have visited many American cities since then so hopefully you'll find my theme helpful (and somewhat credible).  I hope you can stay with me and give me as much feedback as you like throughout the process.  See you on the other side!

Atlanta, GA
Braves Stadium, Atl GA
Chicago, IL
Savannah, GA
Times Square, NYC
Outside the Plaza Hotel, NYC
New Orleans, LA
Fort Worth, TX
The Big Bend, TX
Madison, WI


  1. Oh! I love this idea! I will definitely be back!

    I've seen a lot of America as an American...this upstate NY country girl married an Oregon boy she found at the Grand lie. Ou oldest child, now 12, had done the Yellowstone Grand Loop by the time he was two weeks old, and had ten states to his credit by the time he was 8 weeks old. (His younger sister, born after we settled, is jealous of this. She needs more states.)

    I love this type of story, and I've been to some of the places you've been, so I will be back! =D

    1. Oh yay! Thanks for reading! It'll be interesting to compare our opinions :)

      PS: Sounds like you and your hubbie have quite the 'meet-cute' story?
