
Monday, March 17, 2014

the weekend

Our weekend couldn't have been more perfect.  Dawning spring with her mild weather and vivid sunset was the perfect companion on our visit to Austin's Rodeo carnival Saturday night - where we had a great time despite not going on any rides; instead we got up close and personal to many prize winning animals, fed the rodeo star horses, bought a bunch of TX souvenirs and I had my very first corndog.

On Sunday we took a day trip to a nearby, historic town called New Braunfels.  Here too spring cheated her way passed winter's final days in authority despite winter doing all it could to hold the reigns with chilly winds.  It wasn't enough to dampen our spirits or deter us from exploring cheerfully as we admired springs' preview of rejuvenating colour upon shrubs, trees and inside of long dormant flower pots.  It was the perfect setting to our incredible day in the charming town of New Braunfels and the final weekend of winter for 2014.

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