
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

y is for bucket list item No.1 | Yellowstone National Park

Although the A-Z challenge is coming to an end, I'm starting  a new series on the blog for my bucket list items.  In honour of the letter 'Y,' I've chosen to write about, and share a few pictures of, Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park.

this beautiful photo from Wikipedia Commons

Will got to go here last year and I sat at home while he sent me snapshot after snapshot of the incredibly beautiful things he saw.  Since then I've had it down on my bucket list.  Here are my top reasons why:

1.  The Petrified Forest

2.  Amethyst Mountain

3.  The enormous variety of animals that live there!
It would be like visiting a safari in Africa, only you'd see moose, bobcats, bears: just to name a few!

Bison in Yellowstone - one of the last remaining herds in the wild
pic thanks so wikipedia.

4.  The one-of-a-kind water bodies that are completely unique to the area like the geysers or the Mammoth Hot Springs (pictured at the top of post) and the famous Morning Glory Pool:

another awesome pic thanks to the Wikipedia Commons 

5. The changing seasons because as you know, I'm obsessed :) Going to Yellowstone in spring would guarantee breathtaking views of meadows in bloom:

In summer all the animals would be most active.  Autumn would broadcast the vast array yellow, orange and red hues throughout the forest canopy. And winter would truly be a white wonderland:

6.  It's a super-volcano and the ancient paths of lava flow have solidified into the landscape, something I very much want to see!


  1. What a lovely sharing Lena Lawson! Yellowstone National Park is truly a superb attraction in the state of Wyoming, United States. It is the first national park in the world and attracts millions of visitors each year for its natural beauty and charm. It offers amazing chances for hiking, boating, camping, fishing and sightseeing tours. I have visited this three times and last time I went there just before my recent niagara falls tours from Toronto. For me the most attractive things to do at this park are to see the gorgeous sights of Yellowstone Falls and Morning Glory Pool.

    1. Thank you David! All the reasons you mentioned (and more) make me want to go there. I look forward to the day I'll get the chance :) I appreciate you reading and taking the time to comment - I'll be sure to check out the link you provided :)
