
Saturday, May 31, 2014

celebrate the small things | May 31

Although being grateful many times a day comes naturally to me ~ I haven't been very good at Celebrating the Small Things in blog form religiously every Friday.  In my defense, the past two Fridays I've been tied up in family functions that in themselves were cause for celebration: the first because I was able to see Will's family all together for the first time all year (Dallas/ graduation) and the second because my own family came to visit from overseas and we spent the day in San Antonio. :)

This week though, despite being kicked out of the official Celebrate the Small Things blog hop for negligence :( ... I'm celebrating (all alone):

  • the local travel opportunity to San Antonio and a wonderful time with the relatives!
  • another girls' day with some girls who are rapidly becoming good friends here in Austin
  • my bird feeder becoming a hit with the neighbourhood birds!  I jump with excitement every time I see a pretty blue jay or cardinal eating the nuts and seeds :)
  • my brand new, genuine Mexican, elaborate talavera pot for the coffee trunk centerpiece!  Oh yeah!  One step closer to having the house decorated in Southwestern style! (pics to come soon)

I hope you have a great weekend!  Will and I are taking the dogs on a hike and cooking dinner together tonight ~ then we're thinking a new adventure is in order for tomorrow... fingers crossed the weather holds up :)


  1. Hi Lena - so pleased you've been able to share your new country with your family and also to have spent time meeting up with Will's side of his family ..

    Sounds like things are coming together for you in Austin .. enjoy .. cheers Hilary
