
Monday, May 19, 2014

a weekend in Dallas 3

Will and I have spent quite a few weekends in Dallas recently but on Saturday his brother - who's been our reason for visiting - graduated from SMU and is moving to Cincinnati for his new job; making this weekend probably our last in Dallas for a while.  Luckily, it went off with a BANG!

The whole family gathered on Thursday to celebrate at the City Center Marriott where the bulk of us were staying and from there commenced the whirlwind excitement of eating, drinking and merriment that didn't end until after lunch yesterday when we all finally dispersed!  It was so wonderful to see everyone again since (as I once wrote) I didn't think I'd see any of them again until at least Thanksgiving.  Having Will's parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, brothers and close friends all in once place again felt amazing!  My emotions spent most of the weekend fluttering between jittery excitement and all-consuming, contented peace.

We visited several Dallas restaurants including the Pyramid (at the Fairmont Hotel), the Common Table and Boxwood but Friday nights' dinner at Chamberlian's was the formal celebration - with presents, toasts and well wishes directed at the graduate.  A few of us girls had fun getting our makeup done for this one. 

 It was seriously the best weekend I've had all year and it's going to be pretty tough to beat.  Here are some snaps I took around the hotel and more from the weekend in general:

lots of elaborate chairs all around!

Now we're back home, trying to calm down and get back on schedule but it's virtually impossible since we're awaiting my cousin arrival on Wednesday.  She just graduated with an MBA as well (from Bradley) so we're going to celebrate and act as Austin tour guides once more.  There's never a dull moment!

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