
Monday, July 14, 2014

this week's tip | eat veggies for breakfast

Ok, we're all super busy: working, travelling, taking care of our families (whatever shape they may take), trying to stay fit and meet personal goals as well!  There often just aren't enough hours in the day to fit everything and if you're like me, you're also plagued by that little voice in the back of your head telling you that you need to eat better while relaying your vegetable count for the day!

I used to feel the pressure every night having to fit the 7 vegetable/ 2 cup count into dinner because I ate oatmeal in the mornings and a variation of either a quick-snack, or nothing at all lunch!  Sometimes (especially in a rush) it was impossible to come up with a meal idea that incorporated veggies AND didn't take long to prepare, so I would cave and make a pasta dish without any veggies at all!  (spaghetti bolognese anyone?).  After a few close calls with my  head almost exploding, I decided to start my day with vegetables - making my usual quick-snack lunch easier to forgive and taking the pressure off dinner.

It's actually quite easy to eat veggies for breakfast. There are so many highly nutritional, quick and simple breakfast ideas around that keep you as full as oatmeal.  Here are a few:
  1. an omelette: you can mix just about any vegetable into an omelette.  My faves are asparagus, zucchini, capsicum (red pepper), spinach and mushrooms!  
  2. avocado toast: I like to lightly sprinkle mine with salt and pepper, yum yum yum! 
    • It's easy to add more veggies to this - I like green capsicum (peppers), watercress and tomatoes (although technically not a veg).    

  3. hash browns: these don't have to be oily and horrible!  Shred some potatoes (or sweet potatoes) into a frying pan of coconut oil, fry until brown and enjoy a healthy, guilt-free, trans-fat free treat!  One that you probably haven't had in ages! 
  4. mushroom melt: if you work from home, or give yourself plenty of time to get ready in the mornings, you'll lurve this one!  It takes about half an hour to prepare but it's worth it.  I like to make this as a weekend breakfast for Will and I: it keeps us FULL! 
    • You just need to preheat the oven, prep the mushroom (wash it, remove the stalk), fill it with whatever veggies (ham or other meat) you like, crack a small egg into it, sprinkle with cheese (opional) and bake for 15-20 mins. 

  5. veggie smoothie: no better way to get all 7 veggies and two cups straight away than mixing a juice or smoothie.  The one pictured with this post is the Citrus Veggie Smoothie  from Santa Cruz Organic, where you can find many more delicious recipes! 
    • Of course, smoothies don't keep you full very long so make sure to put a nut bar into your handbag on your way out of the door!
If you don't like the idea of being nontraditional, why not try a savoury oatmeal? Just grate in some carrots, cucumbers and add some nuts instead of the usual sweet cinnamon and fruit or whatever.  It's very tasty and you can find plenty of recipes online!


  1. Hi Lena .. I have always eaten a lot of veggies ... but I'm just adding in a few extra and trying to eat more - I have a salad every day for lunch regardless .. and fruits during the day ... still it's all delicious .. and these ideas you've given us .. is great ..cheers Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary :) A salad for lunch is a great idea! (that's what I used to make when super pressed for veggie/ dinner ideas).

      I should really get better about eating lunch, but I work from home and honestly try to avoid stepping foot into the kitchen during the work day. There's always something to wash or wipe or put away and it feels like the kitchen is a black hole that I walk into and loose an hour instantly! I like nuts to snack on during the day and cuppa soups are currently my fave lunch option!

      Thanks for reading and commenting: you're the best! xo Lena
