
Friday, August 1, 2014

celebrate the small things | Aug 1

Happy August everyone!  This Friday I'm not only celebrating things that happened this week, but looking back over the entire month of July that rushed by in a haze!  I've been pretty terrible at celebrating the small things every Friday (although in my defense I've been in somewhat of a tailspin, as my posts keep saying!) and so I'd really like to breathe in and out (ommmm), bow my head and show some gratitude now:

July celebrations:

- getting to know Denese
We have been blessed time and again with real estate agents and our current one is no exception.  It has been such a pleasure working with, and getting to know, Denese // who's super patient with us and our constant time restraints due to Will's travelling.

- looking at (what feels like) a hundred different houses 
Despite not finding the right one for us yet - I'm really enjoying the process!  Looking at different houses and suburbs is always so, so fun to me

- Dorothy got over her vet-phobia 
This one is huge in our family!!  Just last week little D had to go to the vet for a check up // usually this is a horrible experience that stresses her out and makes her sick - she foams at the mouth, shakes, vomits and breaks out in dandruff instantly... but this time she didn't do any of that!  Of course there was still a little crying, complaining and desperation to leave // but thanks to the continued effort of the entire vet staff (who spoiled her with cuddles and treats), she did marvelously in comparison.  I can now safely say that her full-blown phobia is gone! Now it seems to be no more than the usual dread dogs feel at the vet! YAY Thank you so much to the Nrth Austin Banfield - the best vet ever!

- spontaneous trip to Atlanta 
It's always nice going home and this was my first trip back in nine months!  I enjoyed seeing (some of) the people and places I love // in truth, it blew me away a little because by the time Will and I left we'd become desensitized to the beauty and uniqueness of Georgia, which I got to appreciate all over again on this trip and I'm very thankful for that :)

- finding a house/ pet sitter
Somehow everyone I meet in Austin turns out to be amazing!  I'm super grateful that I met my new friend Susanna, who loves the pups and whom I trust to watch them and our house while we are out of town // this will come in super handy!  Thank you universe for sending me such amazing friends <3

This week's celebrations:

- changing seasons
Now that we're firmly in summer, I'm grateful to experience the infamous Austin heat for myself // which truly is as unbearable as everyone says.  I can hardly walk outside without getting a tension headache // but at least I can now bitch about it with everyone else and feel like I'm becoming a local :)

- kitchen experiments
Being super hot means we're inside a lot more and I've taken to experimenting in the kitchen with various meals, drinks and salads :) this makes me very happy - I feel like a regular Hannah-housewife!

It's actually scary to think how fast the past seven months have gone by.  Here we are in August, (pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! No returns! :P) with only four months to go until we're in 2015!  Should I be celebrating?  Perhaps so... but I'm so happy in life right now that I want it to drag on and on!  Does anyone know of a pause button on time?