
Friday, August 8, 2014

celebrate the small things | Aug 8

Photo: I brought home some cheery chrysanthemums for this fabulous Friday // turns out I'm not the only one who loved them! Baxter begged and fretted until I placed them on the floor beside him to smell!! // he thinks I made a good choice too!  #smellingflowers #gooddog #happy #fabulous #friday #simplethingsinlife #flowersndogs #fridayflowers #chrysanthemum #ourhappyhome

Once again, this week I am joining the blog-hop gang in celebrating all the small things!  As July came to an end, I hit a period of contemplation which sparked the need within for accountability, led to several reflective posts and ultimately to this week - which has been one of inner peace, gratitude and, well, celebrating!

The best way I know of to celebrate is by implementing the four F's: friends, food, fruity-cocktails and flowers!  All these combined equal FUN and there's been a lot of that this week:

I owe most of my new-found inner peace to a fabulous book I've begun reading, called 'Sacred Contracts' by Caroline Myss.  I often feel that in my quest for spirituality, the right messages find me and this has been no exception.  At a time when I felt somewhat lost - my friend Susanna recommended it to me and it's truly filled the void, so thank you Susanna and thank you universe!  

There's nothing like getting out of a little rutt to gain new perspective, motivation and a lease on life.  This week I'm back to feeling young, rich, free and very grateful!  Thank you to all of VikLit's crew for sharing in my celebration and I wish you all much happiness as we commence a new week and look for new reasons to celebrate!

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