
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

things I'll miss about living here | No.7 the birds

I've mentioned before that I feel like a Disney princess whenever I walk into my living room here in Northwest Hills.  The trees that surround our apartment almost always contain songbirds within them and their songs can be heard clearly from  every room, but especially from the couch, making me smile daily as I drink my morning coffee.  

The song birds include chickadees, Carolina wrens, mockingbirds and yellow finches. Then there are the cardinals and tufted titmice that make short chirps; the mourning and inca doves that coo; and the bluejays that shriek (even though they can get annoying, their appearance makes up for it). 

We have been so fortunate, I know, to have this chance to experience the birds of Texas so close and personal and I am happy... But it's bittersweet because I don't know if we will ever live with them again.

-Ps: photo above of cardinal was taken by my very talented, very spectacular cousin whom I love very much- Thanks Rita!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lena - lucky you having such a great cousin to take lovely photos - the red cardinal is delightful and birds - yes they add to our location don't they .. cheers Hilary
