
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

ready, for once

Being a Type A person, my most secret desires and daydreams usually revolve around complete organization.  I know that sounds lame and it's something Type B's can't comprehend that at all; but I've always wondered what complete 'order' would feel like...  A day in which the bed is flawlessly made, the kitchen immaculate after cooking breakfast, all the winter attire required for taking the pups outside hanging neatly in the coat closet, and the living room perfectly resembling a page from a home decor magazine.  Is that what rest feels like?

Something else Type B's don't understand about us Type A's is that our brains usually go a hundred miles per minute, so even when we've ticked off our entire to-to list, we still find more things to do! This Type A nut lives in a home consisting of two enthusiastic dogs, a husband that travels allllll the time (and is Type B to the bone) and one home office that is shared whenever Will is home. In a word, chaos. My self-inflicted to-do list is never ever done: Will's suitcases (still packed from a previous trip) can be found in any room on any given day // the bed is rarely made, because Baxter loves to snooze during the day, and this involves plenty of nesting about // the kitchen stays a mess all day long due to coffee mugs and constant snacking // the dining table is littered with scarves, beanies and coats from frequent trips outside to let the pups potty // and the living room - with documents from both our jobs, dog toys and a random daily accumulation of objects, can only ever hope to make it into What Not To Do magazine.  

One twisted fantasy I've always felt sure would be utter bliss, is greeting a new year in complete organization!!  What a feeling to start a new year with tidy house and mind! What peace.  In previous years I've tried and failed at this - December is a mad month for us: with birthdays, Christmas, our anniversary... forget about it! Then, this year... a miraculous set of events aligned the stars just right and I was able to achieve this dreamiest of all daydreams!

This year, there was no mad rush.  No last minute outfit malfunctions, no sick puppy, no family crisis!  Instead, I sat down with my morning coffee today and realized: my dress is bought and dry cleaned, hanging ready on the bedroom door; the dogs are still exhausted and recovering from Atlanta's Christmas trip; annnnnnnd my brand-spanking new vacuumn cleaner/ Christmas present stands beckoning in the hallway!  Before I knew it, the apartment was cleaned, the bed sheets were changed, the laundry was up-to-date and the place looked utterly amazing!  I am oh-so-happy to report, I will be greeting the New Year with tidy house and mind!  And in case you're wondering if it's overrated?  Nope.  It's every bit as euphoric as I thought it would be!

All that remains of 2014 are the sporadic Christmas decorations which I always take down after Russian Christmas, later in January, anyway.  Yep!  I'm ready for 2015! Bring it on.


  1. Yup...getting excited about a new vacuum is definitely Type A! LOL I totally understand this entire post, as I'm a Type A too. I think this is why I like hotel rooms...the minute you get in them...everything is neat and tidy...bed's bliss!

    1. I know just what you mean! Hotel rooms are bliss <3.... especially the kind where you can choose between firm and soft pillows! <3 PS// getting excited over a vacuum cleaner IS lame, but our old one was so broken: I had to tape the dust canister back together every time I emptied it! It was horrible and didn't suck properly anymore, so the new one is perfection!!

  2. Wow! Congrats on having the time and energy to get the house in shape. You're my hero! I tried, but mine's still a bit on the dirty side and my mending is an ongoing project... Have a great 2015!

    1. Thanks Lexa! It's a really wonderful feeling: mainly because I've never been able to achieve it before, so I know how you feel! :)) Thanks again (to both of you ladies) for taking the time to write to me!! :)
