
Friday, January 30, 2015

celebrate the small things | Jan 30

Not a whole lot happened this week, but I'm celebrating regardless because there's seriously so much to be happy about, like:

  • my health - I felt elated earlier in the week, after I managed a six mile hike and the pups seemed more exhausted than me!   
  • my hubz - constantly thoughtful and romantic, even after 6 years of staring at my face and putting up with my BS! 
  • my pups - well they're just the cutest, cuddliest and always make me smile.
  • my girl friends - this weekend we're off on a bachelorette getaway to the Hill Country, to celebrate Meredith's getting married! Can't wait
  • the city - found out this week that Austin offers rebates to anyone who buys a composting system!  I'm constantly in awe of how environmentally friendly and forward thinking this city is!  Now it's off to the store because you'd better believe I'm getting my own compost bin to sit on the patio.

oh yeah, and as of today: 23 days left until our super romantic, anniversary Caribbean cruise!  Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. What a great list of things to celebrate.You're always so enthusiastic and funny, so maybe your hubby's kinda lucky too. Have a fabulous time at the bachelorette getaway! :)

    1. Awww thanks Lexa! I've never seen myself that way, but I hope it's true! I definitely TRY to be funny, but often get told I'm only to laugh AT :) Hope you had a great weekend :)

  2. Six mile hike! My puppies would be tired too (smile) Enjoy that excursion with the girlfriends! Good for Austin!! have a great weekend, Lena. I apologize for arriving here so late!

    1. Thanks Dixie! Excursion with the girlfriends was everything I wanted it to be: loud, blurry, silly, perfect! Hope your weekend was great too!
