
Monday, January 26, 2015

major anniversary news

Looking back, Will and I agree that getting married in December was a mistake; especially on a date that falls smack-bang in between Christmas and New Years Eve.  The major reason is that due to family traditions and expectations etc., that time of year can never truly just be about the two of us.  Other reasons include not being able to go anywhere alone (without majorly hurting someone's feelings or removing ourselves from family fun) and the fact that after the mountains of presents and travel expenses are paid for, we couldn't afford it if we tried!  We always go out for the customary dinner date, but sometimes it doesn't seem like enough.  

When our anniversary rolled around just recently it was a big one: five years married! and as we were trapped amidst three dogs, a car full of suitcases, forced family fun and a sixteen hour drive back to Austin; we were bummed that we couldn't commemorate it in any remarkable way.  That's why we've decided to do something different and start celebrating our unofficial anniversary of the day we met, Feb 21st, instead.  That gives us a chance to replenish the old bank account a little - and recharge our over-socialized batteries as well.    

So how are we celebrating our five years of marriage / six years of knowing one another?  We're going on a cruise!!! 

Yep.  A seven day cruise of the Caribbean that includes two bucket list items on both our lists: ancient Mayan ruin sites aaaaaaaand a day tubing through a river in the rain forest of Belize!  I'm so excited, I can hardly contain it!  


  1. Tioy two have the right idea. Wifey and I are doing the same thing to celebrate our birthdays. We'll bring the kids so we may not have as much fun but fub just the same. Enjoy!

    1. Oh yay! I don't know... the ship we're going on looks very kid friendly - I'm sure you two lovebirds will get plenty of alone time :) Let's exchange cruise stories when we're both back! Have a blast and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :)
