
Friday, March 6, 2015

celebrate the small things | Mar 6

Hello to everyone celebrating today!  I can't wait to share in your joy with you!  As for me, I'm celebrating several huge things: a blissful anniversary cruise around the Caribbean and checking off several bucket list items along the way!

If you've peeked at my blog recently, you'll see I'm all about said cruise!  So much happened and it was everything I wanted our anniversary to be: romantic, adventurous, spontaneous, magical: perfect in every way!  Besides the plethora of on-board entertainment and sheer awesomeness of the ship that kept us super busy every day; we also had no internet or mobile phone connection for the entire week!  Although this meant that I couldn't share things as they happened - and now have to play catch up with about 500 photos - I'm glad we didn't have connectivity, because without the distractions of FaceBook, Instagram or Will's never-ending work emails, we really had a chance to unplug from the rest of the world and reconnect with each other. What wife doesn't want that?

Anyway, here are the bucket-list items I can cross off my list, thanks to the cruise:

1. a visit to Mexico (although I didn't get to see anywhere near as much as I'd like!)
The best part was that Will and I rented a scooter and went off on our own, exploring everything we wanted on Cozumel Island.  It was neat to see how the locals live.

2. Mayan Ruins  - we visited not one, not two, but three different sites:
San Gervasio on Cozumel Island in Mexico

Altun-Ha in Belize:

 and Chaccoben in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

3. learning about the Mayans from an actual Mayan family - this came with a bonus visit to their house and traditional lunch that I hadn't even imagined in my dreams!

4. drinking a pina colada from a coconut on a pristine Caribbean beach

5. snorkeling in the second largest coral reef in the world

6. steak tartare from one of the best French restaurants in New Orleans (before we set sail).  I'd never had raw meat before and it was exquisite! 

7. a real, on-stage, magical illusion show!  This was so much fun and I was amazed that the world renowned duo 'Sander and Alison' were just part of the ships' on-board entertainment!  We got to see two of their acts and I was stunned each time
8. attending a real art auction

Needless to say, I've had to pinch myself several times to confirm that this is all real.  I feel so grateful and happy that I'm literally bursting.  I wish the same happiness for every single one of you x.


  1. I'm so envious of your trip. (This is my first visit to your blog: congrats on the anniversary.) I've been out in the garden enjoying a little English spring sun, which is grand, but not in the same league as the Caribbean!

    1. Thanks Julia! It's funny you feel that way because my #1 dream has always been to visit Britain - any part, I don't care! Give me thatched roofs, medieval architecture, endless meadows and abrupt cliff faces any day! It's like we always want what we haven't got, but I suppose in a universe of expansion, that's the way it should be! :)
