
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Date night in New Orleans

To kick off our week of anniversary celebrations, Will and I spent Saturday the 21st February in New Orleans.  As I've mentioned on several occasions: NOLA is one of my all-time favourite cities in the world, but it was even more magical this time, since love was in the air as we remembered that perfect night we met - six years ago.

We stayed at the Hotel Indigo, which was awesome in every way!  After getting checked in and dressed, we we took a 'Street Car' (trolley) to a surprise dinner location that Will had organized in advance.  The location turned out to be Chateau Du Lac, in the Warehouse District - and a true testament to the fact that Will is the best husband in the world since it's somewhere I've been dying to go, yet he doesn't like French food!  His sacrifice made me feel so spoiled and then lucky, because we both really enjoying our meals and the quaint, intimate atmosphere of the restaurant; followed by a leisurely stroll around the part of New Orleans we'd never spent much time in, before another 'Street Car' took us back to our hotel.  

It was bliss.  In fact, the whole week was amazing, romantic, spontaneous!  I can't wait to share it all with you in the upcoming days.  For now, here are some pics from New Orleans:

You know you're in New Orleans when.....

Bucket list item checked off: I had the steak tartare
for the first time!  YUMM

Our dinner/ table/ view of restaurant through reflection <3

Was bummed when this place didn't turn out to be an actual
Aussie pub!  False advertising, I tell ya! 

Will's traditional breakfast of boudin balls and biscuits
the next morning.  I had a frittata (paleo, remember) but it was
gone before I could snap it!
The beautiful vine covered building next door to Hotel Indigo


  1. There you are! Look at you in that cute sweater-jack.
    Ooh, nice restaurant, and hot hubby (smile).
    Building with the vines is incredible - great photos!
    I'm so glad you two are having fun.

    1. Hello Dixie! Thank you, thank you! Isn't he?? *love, heart eyes* he's also the best person, so yeah... I hit the jackpot!
      Thanks again and see you soon for Celebrations :)

    2. I know you took care of *our* handbag! (smile)

    3. Sadly, no! We totally blew our budget on the cruise, so it's back to saving up! Hopefully it won't take long though :)
      (thanks for asking) x
