
Friday, April 24, 2015

celebrate the small things | April 24

What a week it's been!  A truly marvelous one with lots and lots to celebrate!

1) my cosmos flower bloomed!  I'm especially proud of this because it's the first flower I've ever grown from a seed :)

2) my baby white winged dove is learning to fly!  it's amazing, and so fun, to watch.
(for those of you that know, yes, there were two baby doves - but we had a pretty bad storm here last weekend - hail and all - during which both babies fell from the nest... only one survived).

3) Will's aunt Amy came to visit!
Always sooooo much fun!

4) Will's mother came to visit!
I totally loved playing tour guide and drove her (a real first) around to some of my fave places in Austin: County Line on the Lake/ the Oasis and dessert at Chey Zee's. Will was out of town so it was great to have a real girl's day!

5) i've saved the biggest and best 'til last; and for added suspense I'll start by saying that it's taken many months and many denied applications ... but I've finally got a job back in the finance industry (what I was doing before writing... yeah yeah contradictory I know!  I guess I'm blessed to be both right and left brain-abled or maybe I'm not at all, since writing hasn't worked out... anyway), I feel silly for fretting over those other total loser jobs!  This might be the job of my dreams.  It's for a super-chilled company that specializes in business lending and other finanical services to small businesses so I'm stoked not to work with individuals!  But it also stands out because it encourages personal growth, hones individual skill sets and has some of the nicest, happiest employees I've seen anywhere.
Added bonuses include:
- peeps my age
- close to home in a brilliant wooded area that feels more like a country retreat than an office
- catered lunches EVERYDAY
- super laid back dress code
 - 7.5 hr work days

Yep, I reckon I've hit the jackpot.  I hope every one else has had a week as brilliant as mine :)
Right now I'm off to celebrate and make this weekend count since I start work on Monday!


  1. I apologize for being so late visiting. Sorry about the one little bird - we had a hail storm too. Love your Cosmo - not sure if I have any left in the yard.
    Big congratulations on the job!!! Hope it is everything you want and need. :)

  2. How wonderful about your new job! Congrats! It's sounds like you have a lot going on with visitors and a job and all - thank goodness it's all good news! Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Congrats on the job and the flower. Didn't know if you knew, but your leave a comment area doesn't show up on your blog, so I was about to leave without leaving a comment, when I looked again at both the beginning and the end of your post for something....then thought I'd try clicking on your post title, only then does one have the ability to leave a comment. You might need to mess with your settings, no doubt you're missing out on some comments, as it looks like you don't have comments enable.

  4. Congrats on the new job!!! Have a great weekend!!

  5. Congrats on the new job. That sounds great! 7.5 hour workdays…. I'm feeling envious over here.
