
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday Tunes {Scare Away the Dark by Passenger}

Today's tune is called Scare Away the Dark and it's by one of my all-time favourite musicians: Passenger.  I'm rather surprised I've not mentioned him in this segment sooner, since his music is prominently featured in most of my playlists.

There are a few things I adore about this talented English lad and his brilliant voice.  One of those things is that his music has deep meaning that is relevant to today's lifestyle.  He doesn't sing constantly about love or heartbreak, nor does he try to be cool or fit in with pop culture.  Instead, he addresses significant issues through his music and Scare Away the Dark is no exception. The lyrics get me thinking, yearning for change and I hope they'll emote the same within you.

Passenger is surely doing his part to shake the current value system that's ingrained in material possessions, corporate careers and fierce competition with neighbours and peers; instead stressing the importance of reverting to simpler times and re-examining these beliefs that are wreaking so much havoc in our lives existences today.  The central theme in his music is: none of the bullshit you think makes you successful will ever make you happy.  And he's right.

Another major thing I adore about him is his humility and genuine generosity.  These traits are so rare among famous people, yet despite being a world-renowned, highly successful and award winning musician, Passenger demonstrates humility by frequently busking (street performing) for free all around the world - simply to share his message!!!  Then - in an act of the purest, most genuine generosity - he announced that ALL THE PROFITS from EVERY physical and digital sale of his newest album will be going directly to UNICEF UK and helping malnourished children in Liberia!  He's truly a man that walks the walk he talks - or sings about.

I'm in love with Passenger (who's real name is Michael Rosenberg but who goes by Passenger because, well - aren't we all passengers on this life train?), in love with his spirit, messages and music.  I hope you enjoy the song and have a great week.

PS// I've pre-ordered his album but even if you don't enjoy his music, it would be great if you could see it within yourself to donate to his wonderful cause. All the details are at his website and the UNICEF website.

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