... when you're constantly on the move, few things remain unchanged.

The lonely chrysanthemum

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I missed the seasonal decorating again this year.  Previously my excuse was always that we lived in buildings that didn’t allow exterior decorating: no welcome mats, no wreaths on doors and definitely no fairy lights strewn over the balcony rails.  (Tight ass, right!?)

This year, since we moved almost at the beginning of autumn to a place with a front porch, balcony and a fireplace, I thought I could finally go all out with my favourite time of year and decorate to my hearts’ desire!  I was going to have pumpkins, a wreath, lanterns and absolutely the most incredible welcome mat ever!

…then I was going to move the festivity inside to commence my long awaited, very own tradition of seasonal mantel coordinating…

But of course, time has slipped away from me and I’ve barely unpacked our last box which means the only decorations we ended up having are a burnt orange chrysanthemum and very basic wreath, which I purchased on one of our mad dashes to Lowes for other essentials. 

These two will keep each other company for three weeks, until the day after Thanksgiving when the Christmas season officially begins.  Then I'll be going all out! 

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Sharing my stories of migrating from Australia to the US | travel adventures | married life | furry kids | new experiences | lessons | and loving life despite always missing home. xo.


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