
Sunday, December 22, 2013

the weekend

Will and I are quite exhausted but very fulfilled after the action packed weekend we just had with his aunt and uncle.  Since it was their very time to Austin (and actually his aunt's first time in Texas), we were up early every day to give them the tourist experience; but we hadn't  seen each other in two months so we made plenty of down time to sit around and catch up in between,which meant going to sleep very late!  But all of us being exhausted is part and parcel of getting together.

One thing that we all agreed was the highlight, was our visit to the Oasis on Lake Travis - a massive complex in an incredible location: perched high on top of a hill overlooking Lake Travis in all its glory and featuring over four stories of bars/ restaurants and cafes.

Although Lake Travis is still quite empty and the weather was chilly and windy while we were there, our drinks, dessert and views outside on the patio completely made up for it.  If you're ever considering a visit to Austin: add this place to your itinerary - it is definitely worth a visit.  Will and I look forward to going back once the weather's warmer to check out its famous sunsets.

(Although it's worth paying it a visit now too; if only to check out the beautiful Christmas decorations).

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