
Monday, December 23, 2013

This week's tip | finding hot tea in America

Americans don’t drink hot tea.  Iced tea is available EVERYWHERE – even McDonalds sells it like a soft drink – but ask for hot tea and you’ll be greeted with a puzzled expression or at best; a ‘Lipton’ tea (which in my opinion is horrible)!

I spent my first year in America bitching about all of this but then realized  that hot, boiled water was available almost everywhere that coffee is percolated so no when I travel, I carry my own tea bags!

After extensive market research (and many disappointments) I can now confidently recommend these 3 types of hot black tea:

Out of these three, the Bigalow is the cheapest and most readily found at any grocery store – but any of these taste amazing and are preferable to (piss water) Lipton!

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