
Friday, January 31, 2014

A girl's guide to surviving the Super Bowl
Most American girls I know aren't crazy about football but watch the Super Bowl anyway because it's such a big and proud American tradition.  Over the three years I've spent in America I've realized that boycotting the Super Bowl, its half-time show and elaborate commercials is basically sacrilegious. Every conversation for a week afterwards is always about the game and you feel like a goose if you can't join in.

Although if you're like me and watch the game to appease your man - be it a bf, a date, someone you're trying to impress or your husband - I've compiled some tips to help any girl survive those four hours coming up this Sunday game day and earn serious points with your man!

*  Get snacks!  Snacks make everything more enjoyable plus guys typically don't think of this but love when we do! Chicken wings or an antipasti selection are the best options for carb conscious diets and are the most likely to be enjoyed by all.

*  This one should be a no-brainer but while you can enjoy the eye candy during the game: don't point out any cute guys!  You may think making the guy jealous is a good way to get his attention but trust me, it's a big turn off and will prevent any unnecessary tension.

*  Give the commercials a chance - honestly some of these ads are seriously cool!  (Like those Budweiser ads with the Clydesdale horses and this year: a puppy and the horse are best pals. The Muppet ones are always funny too).  

All the ads for all the products are more elaborate with the added perk for those of us in relationships:
your man is 100 times more likely to approve the purchase of a product you haven't budgeted for 
if it's advertised during the Super Bowl!  

*  Everyone goes on about the Half Time show and for the past two years they've been quite controversial - but this year's Half Time won't be hard at all to get into with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Bruno Mars!  I've never met a single person who doesn't like one of those.

*  If you're at home and absolutely can't stand it - give yourself a manicure in front of the TV Guys don't know that you aren't really watching, they'll just be excited that you're there beside them.

*  Don't read or play with your phone - these things are too obvious and bug guys who love to think we are paying attention to the biggest deal in their life at present: The Super Bowl!

Good luck ladies! 

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