
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

snail mail

Does anyone still have a pen-pal?  Or are those days long gone and completely replaced by email/ facebook inbox pals?  As I mentioned here, I love sending and receiving handwritten cards or letters and yesterday I got a bit of a shock when I received my first handwritten letter in many years!  I savored the experience of it, making myself a coffee and getting comfortable on the couch before opening it up to read, then reread it.

In the letter, my friend calls me her 'pen-pal' and it reminded me of school, (German class) where we were assigned foreign pen-pals to improve our language from both ends; as well as the many hundreds of notes my friends and I would pass around to each other over the years - on lunch breaks, between classes, in classes, first thing in the mornings...  it was kind of like keeping pen-pals and so much fun sneaking around behind the teacher's backs: especially if the notes were about them.  I know these days kids at schools text each other everything that goes on but it's such a treat and a laugh to have tangible notes.  To be able to reread them after many years, like I did last year when I visited my parent's house and my old bedroom which still contains a box of my old school things; and to remember all of the gossip, hype and catastrophe of those days. 

Maybe my generation was the last to actively participate in snail mail and hand written notes but I wonder if we're also the last to appreciate them?  As I walked out of the post office earlier today, filled with glee about my new Harry Potter stamp book, I thought just maybe we're not...

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