
Friday, May 9, 2014

celebrate the small things | May 9

Has another week already gone by?  Dang!  It's been quite an eventful one and I've lots to celebrate:

1.  A little taste of home arrived via post from my brother and his wife!
Despite wanting to gorge myself immediately on the entire tube of condensed milk and chocolate Tim Tam bikkies (which are my absolute favourite biscuit in all the world!), I've been rationing them out like a squirrel with her nuts, afraid of that devastating last bite!  But it's sooooo good in the meantime! And the postcard of my fave place in QLD will be framed immediately and placed on my bedside-table.   

2.  I received an uncanny and very clear sign from the universe about vitamins!  
It's been some time since I began thinking about commencing a multivitamin regiment, then earlier this week I happened to be in CVS looking for something totally different and noticed this by chance:

Now I get to celebrate health and the bargain of the year simultaneously!

3.  Although this isn't until next week, I've been excitedly deciding what to wear and slowly packing for Will's family reunion/ brothers' graduation in Dallas next weekend!  It's going to be a ball - we've all been looking forward to it for months and I miss everyone like crazy so I can hardly wait! This time next week I'll be writing my 'celebrate' post from a hotel room in Dallas, yipeee! :)

4.  The last small thing I'm celebrating this week is a sparkly little treat that has brought me considerable material joy:

Hope you all have plenty to celebrate!  Have a fabulous weekend xo 


  1. Love this one Lena - your earring are just fabulous and this blog as well. I like the idea of celebrating all the small as happiness is made up of the little things. Love u

    1. Thank you button! I couldn't wait to wear them somewhere, so yesterday I just wore them at home with a cute sweater :) ... I do that with new shoes sometimes too! hehehe
      And yes, I agree about the small stuff! Everyone should take a few moments as often as they can, to just be grateful for the things they have. No matter how small.
      Love you too X
