
Sunday, June 15, 2014

food for thought | canary melon

On a recent visit to Wholefoods, I was taken with an elaborate display of canary melons, something I'd never tried or even heard of.  Feeling adventurous (and somewhat guilty for neglecting my food for thought segment for a while), I decided to give one a try and I'm so glad that I did!

Honestly, I haven't yet found a variety of melon I didn't like: but both Will and I loved the sweetness and texture of the canary melon, which really is (as everyone who's tasted one claims) a perfect cross between a rockmelon (cantaloupe) and a honeydew.  It's perfect for this time of year: refreshing, sweet and beautiful on a fruit platter since there aren't too many other fruits that are bright yellow!


  1. Nice sharing! I love canary melon.

    1. Thank you! Is it quite common where you're from? I'd never seen it in Australia or Atlanta before
