
Friday, June 13, 2014

celebrate the small things | Fri 13 June

Yes people it's Friday the 13th... oooooo, spooky!  That being said, I s'pose I should celebrate the fact that the world hasn't been taken over by monsters and that I feel safe and sound here in my little slice of Earth...

This week I'm also celebrating:

  • neighbours.  I truly have the best neighbours. 
  • the arrival of another Birchbox - always a cause for celebration!
  • a little material joy in the form of a brand new party dress (couldn't wait to wear it out, so I'm actually wearing it right now!)
  • gaining 'senior contributor' status on Trip Advisor!! (hey, these are the small things, afterall)
  • and as always: health, Will, our puppies and our life!
my birchbox <3
PS: today marks the beginning of the last week of spring (or in Australia - the last week of autumn).  I feel bittersweet about this, since time has past entirely too quickly!  I will miss the wildflowers.  And I'm more than dreading the infamously unbearable heat of Austin.  Still, I'm alive: I'm free: I'm young and only have each present moment so somehow I'll make the most of this last remaining week of spring.  Enjoy the last week of whatever your season is too - and have a blast xo

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