
Monday, September 29, 2014

My poor, neglected blog... Times are a-changing.

Ahhhh my poor, neglected blog!  What an inconsistent and uncommitted blogger I'm turning out to be!  My attempt at making you an online journal has failed but never mind that right now, I have more pressing matters I want to share...

We are moving (yep, again) and I'm currently sitting outside Madam Mam's, waiting for my take away, mulling over that thought. Despite these bright coloured chairs, that momentarily made me smile, I feel sad. 

Our dodgy, little apartment with its constant aggregations and things that need fixing, feels like home now.  I suppose Yeppoon did too. And the Mayfair. And the Plaza. And all the buildings, suburbs and cities we've left behind. 


This time, because I have a blog and because I want to remember every detail // I'm going to list 31 reasons why I shall miss it here in Austin's Northwest Hills. One reason for every remaining day of our lease - starting on Wednesday the 1st of October. 


  1. Hi Lena - it's a sweat moving, especially so often .. good luck during the remaining 31 days .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary, as ever your support means a lot to me :)
