
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

things I'll miss about living here | No.1 proximity

Bull Creek Park Austin

This list isn't in any kind of order at all, but when I began to ponder what I'll miss about moving from our current apartment, the first thing that popped into my mind... is its close proximity to everything.  I'll talk way more about my fave places nearby as the month goes on, but for now, just a general shout-out to this location!  Northwest Hills rules! 

I took the above photo at Bull Creek Park - just two miles from our place and one of the most incredibly beautiful places I've ever seen!  It was in that fresh, clear water that Baxter learnt to realized he already knew how to swim and if you follow this link to his blog, you'll find his adorable post all about that day!  Here's another link to his blog where he posts about spring time at Bull Creek!  Both are cute as, and both feature HEAPS of photos and videos of the picturesque Bull Creek area! 


  1. Hi Lexa - the creek looks delightful doesn't it .. I can imagine the dogs being happy ... take care as you pack and sort ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you ever so much Hilary! I think I'm becoming somewhat of a pro at sorting and packing! :)
