
Friday, February 13, 2015

celebrate the small things | Feb 13

spring in ATX

So much to celebrate in Austin this week!  While the rest of the country still firmly sits in the clutches of winter, battling temperatures close to freezing and snowfall every other day: Austinites have un-offically welcomed Spring!  The sudden appearance of dandelions attests to the splendidly sunny days we've had, while trees and other flowers are budding all around.  The best news however, is that my own flower seedlings (planted on Monday) have already sprouted!  Here are a couple of pics of my Bachelor Buttons babies, that I took just 15 minutes ago:

I've also planted some Cosmos that are sprouting and daisies, (that I'm still waiting on, but) beyond excited all 'round!!  The warm weather has also brought more outdoor excursions for the pups, so they are thrilled.  Here's a pic of Baxter from a recent hike we went on:

And some more evidence of Spring in the photos below that I took on various walks around the neighbbourhood throughout the week:

spring in ATX

spring in ATX

spring in ATX

More exciting news is that I enrolled in an online writing course and am loving every minute!  It's rather challenging but each successfully completed task provides a much needed confidence boost so I'll be starting this Valentine's Day weekend in rather a giddy mood.  :)

And finally (for once) I'm celebrating the swift passage of time which enables me to say that I only have 9 days left until my fabulous anniversary cruise!  Yipeeeee!

Have a great Valentine's weekend!  Hope you're spoiled rotten!


  1. Planted on Monday and sprouting already- I like that! I love dandelions too. You've have some great photos, Lena!
    The online class sounds like fun... and yes.... cruise UP! (smile)

    1. Thanks Dixie - I can hardly believe it myself! Must be prime growing conditions there on my windowsill :)

  2. Planting seeds is such a wonderfully optimistic thing to do. It's one of the recommended activities on a mindfulness course I did recently. Keep us posted on the progress of your plants and your course.

    1. Oh yes Julia, i completely agree! I get so, SO excited watching them grow and change - it's so validating as a plant-parent :D Thank you, I shall.

  3. Oh what joy Spring is! It is my favorite time of year. To see the signs of life after the death of winter! I have yet to see any signs of Spring here in Florida. Although, I've had new growth on my roses and seen dandelions all through the winter. We don't get a lot of cold days 'round here but they happen. It's bipolar weather. But soon it will start warming up and steadying itself out. I know it!

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    Caring for My Veteran

    1. Yes, I've heard FL is quite bipolar - did you know Texas is, also? Maybe it's to do with being in the south... I've not experienced such contrast anywhere! And actually, we got really lucky this year: last year was quite brutal. Good luck with the weather your way: I agree that spring is amazing and I like how you put it: 'signs of life after the death of winter.'

  4. What a lovely area you live in! I hope your flowers all bloom soon. Have a great weekend -- and how exciting about your upcoming cruise! Please take lots of pics for those of us who've never been on a cruise. :)

    1. Thanks Lexa, I hope so too! Can't wait to share pics of both the flowers and the cruise :)

  5. Good luck with the course! I hope you get everything you wanted out of it! Blessings!
