
Friday, February 13, 2015

X days to go!

Omg! Only 10 days left until our fabulous, fairy tale cruise of the Caribbean!  I can hardly wait :)  Cozumel, Belize City, Roatan Bay Islands and Costa Maya, here we come!!  Oh, that's not even all - we're also spending the day before we take off in one of my most favourite places ever: New Orleans!  Hooray!  

I feel like I'm constantly daydreaming about the palm trees, aqua water, coral reefs and Mayan ruins.  All I have to do is close my eyes and I'm there with white, powdery sand beneath my feet, iguanas scurrying around and island music ricocheting off the dark green jungle background, as I sip a pina colada straight out of a coconut.

We've researched each destination and have every day roughly planned out.  I say roughly because Will hates binding schedules and timelines on vacation ('the point is to relax...') so I've left him several unplanned, carefree days, but what we do have planned is: 

- riding scooters around Cozumel with stops at San Gervasio ruins, San Miguel for lunch and some pristine island swimming 
- a cruise down a river lined with crocodiles and monkeys swinging tree to tree, in the middle of a jungle until we reach two thousand year old Mayan ruins!   
- going snorkeling in the worlds' second largest coral reef Honduras, where a buffet lunch, open bar and live, chilled Island music awaits us on the shore
- more Mayan ruins and a meet and greet lunch with an actual, surviving Mayan family and their traditional cuisine!

This is shaping up to be the best vacation we've ever taken.  I'm so excited, I already have all my outfits planned and necessities bought: my seasick bands, biodegradable face wipes, sun cream, bugspray and waterproof camera (I'm so excited they still make these!!) 

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