... when you're constantly on the move, few things remain unchanged.

Roadtrip | New Braunfels

Friday, March 21, 2014

One of the things I like most about Austin is its location amongst many small, historic towns.  Within a one hour drive in any direction you're likely to stumble upon a charming and unique spot that's perfect or a day trip or to spend the weekend.  South-west of Austin lays such a town called New Braunfels. Will and I spent Sunday there and found it to be the perfect place to get some serious relaxing done before the work week recommenced.

New Braunfels has German roots, so needless to say, it offers some of the best European cuisine on this side of Texas and rich tales of settlement that include visual aides in the form of buildings, houses, museums (like the railway one we visited) and antique stores to hold the smaller artifacts of the day.

The best part of New Braunfels lays a short drive from the town's center: the locality of Gruene.  It's a lively, beautiful place situated alongside a river that's every bit as historic but blends the old with new so seamlessly that it's a perfect compromise for people who aren't interested in history.  As soon as you step out of your car you hear the mingled sounds of live classic rock and country music simultaneously coming from several outdoor bandstands along Hunter Rd and see folks walking around holding with beer or wine.  It's almost enough to obscure - even for a history buff like me - the fact that this street contains antique shops as far as the eye can see, an ancient water tower, several old-fashioned wineries, the oldest dance hall in Texas and an authentic, still operating General Store that still sells candy in 25c paper bags and has an ice-cream / milkshake bar beside the register!  

Once you visit every antique store you can cram into the hour before your husbands' patience inevitably begins to wane, your choices include: joining a crowd seated on chairs or on the grass beside one of the bandstands to sip on wine from one of the local wineries; getting your groove on to some live country music at the iconic dance hall; or indulging in a slice of homemade pie and coffee at the Coffee Haus.  Of course if you're like Will and I - you'll do all three.


I loved New Braunfels and look forward to visiting again for one of its famous market days and in November for Texas's biggest Wurst Fest!

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Sharing my stories of migrating from Australia to the US | travel adventures | married life | furry kids | new experiences | lessons | and loving life despite always missing home. xo.


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spring in Austin TX
